the challenge Special Olympics Illinois (SOILL) is a storied organization with an incredible legacy. When they came to us with the goal of recruiting more athletes, volunteers and donors of all demographics—we grasped the opportunity to do something extraordinary. We...
Eight Things You Should Know About Our New Jr. Art Director, Nick Imerman
#1. He has a healthy obsession with weight-lifting.
He asked that we clarify, in capital letters, that this is NOT CROSSFIT.
#2. He eats like a hobbit.
Seconds, thirds, fourths, elevensies… Nick takes countless trips to the office fridge, grazing on small meals throughout the day, just like the creatures from The Lord of the Rings. (Imagine a human-sized Frodo with an Equinox membership). Speaking of which…
#3. He is into Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter.
In that order.
#4. His wife is even more badass than he is.
Sorry, Nick, but she’s a professional body-builder, and we want to stay on her good side.
#5. He likes his scotch neat and his steak rare.
“If you’re going to order your steak past medium rare, just get the chicken,” Nick says.
#6. He is a proud father.*
*of a beagle. (The millennial equivalent of parenthood.)
#7. He likes old-school video games. Like, REALLY old-school.
His most modern system is a Nintendo 64.
#8. His cats have an Instagram.
For cats playing with pom-poms, cats trying to squeeze into too-small spaces, and cats transcending societal conventions to befriend dogs, follow @conna_tibbers.